Pay stubs are a reality that is here to stay. Pay stubs are useful for securing loans. To quickly secure a loan, people always use a pay stub to complete the process. Pay stubs will also be useful when applying for housing. Whatever the reasons, you have to make sure the pay stub being offered to you is legit. With technology advancing, it is straightforward to receive a pay stub without even knowing it. Before you can conduct any transaction that involves a pay stub, verify it so that you are sure of its authenticity. It is not hard to know a legit pay stub as long as you look closely. What should look at so that you can know if a pay stub is legit or not?
Begin by going through the basic information of a pay stub. Once you go through the basic information, you will easily know if they are real or fake pay stubs. Use the precise details you know to check how legit the pay stub is. There are some apparent details that you may not fail to know once you look at a pay stub. Take advantage of every precise detail you know. To know how authentic a pay stub is, verify the personal information it has to provide. A good pay stub must have the person’s name and occupation. Go through the personal information so that you are sure it matches with what you know. You can also verify if there are any spelling mistakes that tell you the pay stub is fake.
Do not forget to verify if the pay stub has excess rounding. A pay stub is fake if it has excessive rounding. Most accountants will always be accurate with their work. Once a pay stub has been offered to you, check to see if there are cents spread out on it. If a pay stub is mostly rounded off to the nearest dollar, you can be sure it is fake. A real pay stub will not have a lot of rounded off figures. That is because professional accountants are always accurate with their undertakings.
A proper pay stub is the one that has less rounding off.
Check the format of the pay stub. The format of the pay stub can also tell you if it is fake or real. A legitimate pay stub will always be easy to read. You can expect a clean and easy to read pay stub from a professional accountant. If a pay stub is not clear to you, there are high chances that it is not real. Any pay stubs that are not fake will always be easy to understand because it has been printed using the right format. This post elaborate more on the topic, so you may need to check it out.